Public amateur radio event websocket server

You are free to use the websocket services here on your own sites.
Disclaimers: Future: I might add in the lat/lon to the events to make it easier to plot on maps.



Version: 1

Topic: /topic/spots/v1
Data: Spots from the DX cluster
Approx traffic: 20 every minute
Example: Waiting...


Version: 1

Topic: /topic/skims/v1
Data: Skims from the reverse beacon cluster
Approx traffic: 100 every minute
Example: Waiting...


Version: 1

Topic: /topic/psks/v1
Data: PSK spots
Approx traffic: 100 every minute
Example: Waiting...


Version: 1

Topic: /topic/wsprs/v1
Data: WSPR spots from
Approx traffic: 300 every 2 minutes. Sent in a list
Example: Waiting...


Version: 1

Topic: /topic/wcys/v1
Data: See
Approx traffic: 1 every hour
Example: Waiting...


To use a stream on your site, you will need some Javascript and HTML knowledge.
It will help to understand WebSockets too, and the limitations
You will need the following libraries: sockjs, stomp, and optionally jquery
Then you will need the following Javascript.
var stompClient = null;

function connect() {
    var socket = new SockJS('');
    stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
    stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) {
        stompClient.subscribe('/topic/spots/v1', function (spotv1) {
            // Do something with the spot
        stompClient.subscribe('/topic/skims/v1', function (skimv1) {
            // Do something with the skim
        stompClient.subscribe('/topic/psks/v1', function (pskv1) {
            // Do something with the PSK report
        stompClient.subscribe('/topic/wsprs/v1', function (wsprv1) {
            // Do something with the list of WSPR reports
        stompClient.subscribe('/topic/wcys/v1', function (wcyv1) {
            // Do something with the WCY report

$(function () {
See the source code of this page to see how to do it.
Contact me via or websocket@mydomain.